Sunday, April 27, 2014

Springtime at the Temple

We drove to D.C. yesterday to visit the temple. We had a wonderful time being in the temple together, and the day was absolutely gorgeous. The temple grounds were abloom with tulips, cherry blossoms, and vivid color.

I love this shot. We went for a walk in the flowery trees and I took this from a hill near the visitor's center. I wish we could have stayed all day, it was lovely!

Monday, April 21, 2014

A Lovely Easter

I had such a lovely Easter this weekend. Thanks to a popular LDS video, many of my friends have been posting #BecauseofHim thoughts and pictures in their social media feeds--I had the chance to read the testimonies and the blessings of my friends from all around the world throughout the weekend. It made the holiday seem truly recognized, as we united in our celebration of the Lord's Atonement and His sacrifice for us.

I was also given the wonderful opportunity to sing during sacrament meeting service at church on Easter Sunday. Our ward music director asked me to sing a favorite song of hers, O Divine Redeemer, by Charles Gounod. The lyrics describe a plea to the Savior for redemption, pardon, and help. Preparing this song helped me renew my gratitude for the Lord, and I felt myself grow closer to Him as I studied the message and sang my testimony. Here is the beautiful rendition by the Mormon Tabernacle Choir:

After church, we made dinner for some friends for the ward. Last year at this time, Nick and I weren't quite engaged, yet and we made the same prime rib roast dinner for some church friends on Easter Sunday together. So I guess now it's a tradition! It makes for a very special, fresh dinner--and it is so easy to make! I will have to make a post about that meal....
Happy Easter!

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Book of the Week: The Night Circus

I have a girl crush on my librarian. Several months ago, I chatted with one of the cute girls who works at our local library about a book I was just returning. We found quite a bit to say about the book, and discovered we had been reading many of the same works. It is so exciting to find someone who reads what you read; it's as though you speak the same secret, magical foreign language. Well, before I could properly ask her name and introduce myself (never mind that she has my info up on the computer screen while she's checking my books out for me), a line of patrons formed behind me and we said a hasty goodbye. 
On subsequent library visits, I surprised myself by hoping she'd be working so that we  couldtalk again. I even mentioned to my husband how nice it would be if we became friends. Unfortunately, I couldn't find a chance to talk again. We would say hello to each other briefly, as she assisted other patrons, but we never managed to both be free at the same time. One awkward encounter I'll supply: I approached the desk to check out a book (timing it perfectly to arrive there as she was finishing with someone else) and just as she turned to me, the other librarian stepped in to take care of me. She (the should-be-my-friend girl) stood next to this other librarian, then said hi. I mentioned I had a book on hold. She got it off the shelf as the other librarian looked up my name, then turned to find it on the shelf and they nearly ran into each other. As the librarian was checking my book out, the girl smiled at me, I tried to think of a way to start a conversation over the librarian's shoulder, and then she just shrugged her shoulders and turned away to help someone else. My husband witnessed all of this and laughed all the way home. He thinks I must have been twenty times more nervous and crazy about courting him if I put this much thought into making a new friend. But I can just tell, we would be really great friends!
Anyway, I dashed to library before flying to Ottawa for work last week and guess who was working at the desk with no other patrons floating around needing help?? The girl, that's who. I returned my book and got all flustered, wishing I wasn't wearing sweatpants and one of Nick's big shirts. I started to walk to the shelves to browse and then turned back to her and asked if she had any recommendations. We talked for a bit about what kind of book I was looking for and then her face lit up and she ran to the back and came out with a novel in hand. I thanked her for the book, and introduced myself, and learned her name. All of this background story to tell you: I read a delightful story this week, thanks to my librarian friend's recommendation. It is called The Night Circus, by Erin Morgenstern. 
(Aside--How cool is it that her surname is also the surname of the fictional author of The Princess Bride?? I was immediately intrigued.)
So, you shouldn't read this book unless you're looking for a story that will whisk you away to a mysterious, enchanting world dripping with romance, conflict, and imaginative magic. I walked around dreamy-eyed, thinking about the fantastical while I worked this week. This is the story of two magicians, for lack of a better word, pitted against each other in a battle of abilities--the ability to manipulate matter, to change the colors of a dress, grow a garden of ice crystals, bewitch umbrellas to truly repel rain. With such powers, they create beautiful experiences of wonder for their friends and circus guests. Devastatingly, they discover that there can and must be only one victor in this competition. In order to survive, one must destroy the other. 
I can't tell you anymore--go discover it for yourselves! It isn't too far-fetched and magicky. It's accessible magic in a believably unbelievable early 1900's world. Trust me, and trust my new librarian friend: this is a feel-good book that is perfect for Spring Break, pool-side, or on snuggled up in bed. 
Inspired by the book, I am toying with the idea of planning a midnight feast this summer for some friends. Sparkly strands of lights and decadent dishes just for fun, with a Night Circus decor theme. Yes, yes, yes. 

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Because of Him

Have you seen this, yet? The powerful music, the beautiful images, and the poignant, simple words combine to deliver the message of the Good News of the Gospel: Because of Jesus Christ we can live again! We can create goodness and love fully now! Because of the Savior, I know that I can be with my wonderful husband forever, and enjoy never-ending happiness. Because of Christ's Atonement, I can overcome my mistakes, learn to be like Him, and grow to understand God's love.
This video has been an inspiring part of my Holy Week. I'm in Ottawa for work, and I have plenty of time between shows to hang out at my hotel. Instead of reading or surfing the web, I've made it a priority to study the Book of Mormon and some of the General Conference messages from the latest session. It has helped me be much more aware of the Spirit and sensitive to promptings to ponder the Savior and His example. I am so grateful to recognize that I was receiving this blessing of the Holy Ghost whispering to my soul and reminding me to think about Jesus. It has increased my awareness of my many other blessings and filled my heart with gratitude. It has made the anticipation of Easter Sunday sweet and meaningful, as I look forward to celebrating the accomplishment of the Lord's Atonement, which makes my life possible, meaningful, and purposeful.
I hope this video brings the Spirit into your week. I hope that you feel the love of the Savior and our Heavenly Father during this special time of the year! All good things are because of Him!