Saturday, December 8, 2012

Nina's Wedding

This is my beautiful sister-friend, Kristina Michelle. I called her "Hill" for two years while we served missions together in Pusan, Korea.

Yesterday, she married Dan Fife. She was stunningly beautiful.

The reception, at Sundance, was sparkly and lovely.

I am a giant when I stand next to her.

Her bleeding armadillo groom's cake!

Me and my mama, all dressed up.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Sorry I've been MIA...

I've been spending quite a bit of time with this sweet man. I only manage to snap pictures of us in the car, it seems. I've got to work on getting my camera out more often.

This was the first day we went to Mint together, a classy Indian food restaurant. It's Delicious! We declared it officially "ours."  Yup. Look at me being all mushy and having a restaurant with someone. This is real, folks.