Monday, October 31, 2011


Hope you're ready for waaayyy too many pictures....we get a little self-indulgent around Halloween and we had a great time this year. I was the Queen of Hearts^^. I'm pretty proud of the crown, it took some careful engineering to make.

Two of my three favorite people....missing Codfish! He sent me some sweet pictures from a party he went to with mom in Cali:

Vampire, inspired by his recent immersion into literary adventures.

 All the aunts and uncles gathered at Nana's house for homemade cream soup and bread. These are the "big cousins"---so fun that we still all meet up on All Hallow's Eve to see each other. And crazy to see all the little cousins doing exactly what we did every year growing up.
 Nana stayed home to pass out caramel popcorn balls while the rest of us hit the streets for some trick or treating and visiting of the neighbors.

Rachel wasn't actually this exhausted by the time we finished and sorted candy back at the house....she kept making zombie faces in every picture; after shouting, "CHEESE!" she'd pull a weird face for the camera. She's a goof, just like the rest of us.

Halloween is a special day for my sister. It's sort of like her birthday, in a way. This was her third ensemble of the weekend. She's pretty amazing at coming up with wicked costumes.


And for my favorite photo of the night....
the girls and Dad.

Don't think he doesn't dress up--
he looked amazing at a party over the weekend:

Friday, October 28, 2011


All the ladies in our dressing room at My Fair Lady are great; between Zumba-ing in our bloomers and sharing our life stories over apple-pie flavored gum, we've bonded to say the least.  This is Elisse; we're prepping for wigs. We have quite a few in this show:

I like the classic bangs on this one.

Backstage, when we're not trying to fit in a few calorie-burning tap dance moves, we pose and take pictures of our awesome costumes.

This is L.J. She makes gourmet cupcakes, no big deal. Except it is totally a Big. Deal. They are delicious.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011


This boy can sing. He's been singing in front of
thousands of Americans, on television, at school, on tour.

But my favorite is when he sings just for me,
when it's just the two of us.

Friday, October 21, 2011

October Stuff

This is my niece; I've been seeing a bunch of her this month, it's been delightful. Right now, she watches Hocus Pocus several times every day. She also believes that Nana's black cat will talk on Halloween Day, just like Thackery Binks in the film. I love that girl. October is zipping by, and it has been busy! A few things we've been doing:

Hands? I'm in the running for a hand model commercial. These pictures uncomfortably remind me of the Halloween party my mom is planning in California this weekend: she's making an entire edible cadaver. Gross.

Annual thank-you party at work was a black tie masquerade.

They played the most hilarious games, including musical chairs on the mobile, rotating stage with blind-folded contestants, who scrambled and fought over the remaining chairs in their formal wear.

Meanwhile, Elisse and I are having a blast at the show; we dress up as burlesque girls and jump out of a giant wedding cake. This week, however, I got stuck in the cake! I couldn't get out! Arms, elbows, head, neck, and a little bit of shoulder---this was all the audience could see of me as I tried to scramble up over the edge.

TS came to see opening night.

And random: I've been learning a few yo-yo tricks. It's a ton of fun, and surprisingly addictive.

As I catch up on the goodness of October, I have to mention all the Good food. Everywhere. Every day. Everybody wants to bake for everyone. At the theatre, they feed us salmon, filet mignon, and every kind of dessert you can name. Today, I tried GUAVA CAKE. It was delectable.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Fall Bucket List

Not even two weeks into October and I've already carved pumpkins (pirate face!), made pumpkin chocolate chip cookies (for the cast of My Fair Lady), and attended a homecoming event (hiking and lighting the Y, a first for me). I've also had a fall bbq in the mountains and driven up Sundance Canyon to see the autumn leaves changing colors. Isn't this the best time of year?

Still looking forward to....Homemade soup on Halloween, curling up near a fireplace to read a good book some evening, an afternoon of archery at Dad's, watching the stars come out on a crispy cold night, and lots and lots of cuddling with the very handsome TS.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011


Pinned Image

We all know that I have a happy obsession with photography blogs. Among my favorite favorite is Sarah Rhoads'--she and her husband are {I don't even know them, but I love them. And one day, I will fly to Seattle and ask them to take pictures of me and my fiance/hubby/ourfamily....whatever I have when I finally make it out there.}

Today, I read this post by Sarah and realized...she's only 27. Just barely. Dang.

Because I totally respect her for the way she has created a successful profession that she loves, her true passion, the fulfillment of her creation, by harrrrrrrrrrrrrd work, determination, and believing that anything is possible.

And somewhere inside of me, I keep thinking, "I will be like that. I can be like that." But I never have the guts or think that everything is "in place" for it to be NOW...

But she's totally my age and kicking my butt at the game of "Create the life you've imagined, no excuses." Good thing this life isn't about comparisons....but she totally inspired me this morning.

Be brave and commit.

Liked what she said here: "When you finally commit yourself to the path you know you are supposed to be on doors will open in the most surprising places."

Reminds me of this: "Until one is committed, there is hesitancy, the chance to draw back, always ineffectiveness. Concerning all acts of initiative (or creation) there is one elementary truth, the ignorance of which kills countless ideas and splendid plans: that the moment one definitely commits oneself, then Providence moves, too. All sorts of things occur to help one that would otherwise never have occurred. A whole stream of events issues from the decision, raising in one's favor all manner of incidents and meetings and material assistance which no man would have believed would have come his way." --W.H. Murray

All Things

I stumbled out of bed and into some business casual attire, ate breakfast and then braved the chilly pre-dawn air outside to trek out to my car, parked on the far side of my apartment complex because there are never any spots left near my building by the time I come home at night.
Sitting for a minute or two to allow my car to warm-up, I felt like saying a sincere little prayer to Heavenly Father, just to say good morning, thanks for this great job, please help me to stay awake at work....I also asked that I might receive confidence that I was pursuing the right path in life and that I was following the spirit.
I grabbed the gear stick and tried to shift into reverse, but the mechanism was locked. The button wouldn't depress.
I pressed on the brakes, turned the steering wheel around, pulled the emergency brake--nothing. I hit the gear shift stick with my fist, pushed the button reeeeaaally hard--nothing.
I immediately thought to pray for help, which I did, outloud, quickly--nothing.
So then I stopped struggling with the stick and settled down, I prayed (at first a little too impatiently and demanding) and the thought entered my mind, "You wanted to know that you are living correctly, that you are able to receive guidance from the Holy Ghost. Use it now."
So I tried to focus on the Spirit. I calmed down. I almost fell asleep for a second there while I was meditating! I knew that the Spirit could teach me all things, that God knew how to unlock my gear shifter, and that the Holy Ghost could guide me to the answer.
And very clearly, I felt the spirit suggest I look in the owner's manual.
I did. I found step-by-step directions to reach under the consol and manually unlatch the lock on the shifting stick. I also felt prompted that I should ask a certain co-worker about the issue once I arrived at work; he offered a great solution that will lead me to do some important, preventative tasks regarding my car's health.
And one small miracle to start the day off confirmed, as an answer to my prayer, that I am able to be lead by the spirit.
1. Had to be willing and humble, believing I would receive guidance
2. Had to be still and quiet, and act
3. Had to be confident in my worthiness (not my perfection, but my heart and actions have been in the right place)

2 Nephi 32:3
" the power of the Holy Ghost...behold, the words of Christ will tell you all things what ye should do."

Monday, October 3, 2011

Forget Me Not: review

One of the most touching scriptures to me is Rachel’s desire to have children finally being answered by the Lord, after she felt abandoned and forgotten: “And God remembered Rachel…”

I love this scripture because of the way Elder Spencer J. Condie describes trusting the Lord’s promises in his 2007 General Conference address—Read it!

This year, President Dieter F. Uchtdorf spoke to the relief society about 5 things we should never forget: all of which brought Rachel to my mind. What I took away from his message: God knows and remembers each of us, and He will keep His promises to us.

#1. Forget not to be patient with yourself.

Ugh. Patience. Seems like I will never develop this one (ironic…)

I think of Rachel’s plea, “Give me children or else I die.” Right after that, Leah had three more kids. But Heavenly Father kept His promise, and blessed Rachel with two boys with amazing birthrights.

Patience means trusting the Lord and expecting His promises to come to pass with such surety, that I don’t need to see the answers now, or even soon…I know that I am headed toward them according to the Lord’s timing.

President Uchtdorf focused on having patience with ourselves. He said, “God is fully aware that you and I are not perfect…He wants us to become perfect, and if we stay on the path of discipleship, one day we will. It’s OK that you’re not quite there yet. Keep working on it, but stop punishing yourself. …remember also to be compassionate and patient with yourself.”

God notices all the small successes I have each day. I think His infinite patience and understanding is much more forgiving than I am toward myself.

To implement: Remember to see the big picture, make decisions carefully (not rashly), and recognize each step toward your most important, lasting goals.

#2. Forget not the difference between a good sacrifice and a foolish sacrifice.

“An acceptable sacrifice is when we give up something good for something of far greater worth…Our Heavenly Father is most please when we sacrifice something good for something far greater with an eternal perspective.”

Most of my foolish sacrifices are made in haste. Carefully weighing an important decision helps me to recognize not only whether the sacrifice is beneficial to the issue, but also helps me to determine the real worth of what I am pursuing.

Best sacrifices, looking back, hardly seem like sacrifices at all, considering the precious experience received in return.

#3. Forget not to be happy now.

How to do this: BE GRATEFUL. (Or in other words, count your blessings and recognize that the Lord loves you.)

Note: it is okay to have a few down days, every once in a while. Ecclesiastes chapter 3 says there is a time for all seasons and for all emotions. Even Job, who is remembered for his dedicated faithfulness, cursed the day he was born. You’ve got to be pretty low to use language like he does in Job chapter 3.

It happens! We have some difficult things to go through. I don’t think we’re meant to repress our disappointment; the Lord has provided a comforter and friends/family to listen, understand, and offer advice. Then, we must choose to focus on the blessings and find genuine happiness again. Now.

#4. Forget not the “why” of the Gospel.

This is a huge topic.

Go to the temple.

Remember why.

Be filled with the spirit, even to the refreshing of the body.

#5. Forget not that the Lord loves you.

I love President Uchtdorf’s words here: “As an Apostle of our Master, Jesus Christ, I proclaim with all the certainty and conviction of my heart…You are not forgotten...You are known and remembered by the most majestic, powerful, and glorious Being in the universe! You are loved by the King of infinite space and everlasting time! He who created and knows the stars knows you and your name…You are destined for more than you can possible imagine…Never forget that your Heavenly father knows, loves, and cherishes you.”

Sunday, October 2, 2011


I love the fall, especially when I am home in Woodland.
The perrrfect fresh breeze, the warm sun, the calm everything-is-absolutely-wonderful feeling that settles into my heart. I spent the afternoon swinging on the front porch of my mom's house, eating hot-out-of-the-oven cookies after a delicious lunch. Then Kristen and I drove around Kamas to see everyone's Halloween decorations and the fall leaves. Lovely.