Thursday, June 30, 2011


We're mid-2011 today. What have I accomplished in the last 6 months? At first glance, I think I'm so far behind my aspirations and wonder what I've been wasting my time doing. But at a deeper look, I've been a total rockstar since January. List:
1. I healed my first broken heart. I learned to live with unextinguishable pain and turn it over to the Lord piece by piece. I forgave myself. I ate way more than my share of of HaagenDaaz Rocky Road. I grew enough faith to hope in the future.

2. I was promoted at both places of employment and have thrived in the new environments. I love working my new beat at the paper--I've learned about city government, land ordinances, legal processes, and met amazingly inspiring people. At the office, I've increased my ability to be responsible and be classy, coach and mentor others, and keep an environment positive. There, too, I have made priceless connections in the business world.

3. I won a first-place award for an article I wrote and I attended a fancy-schmancy banquet where I rubbed shoulders with Utah's greatest journalists.

4. I finally started paying for my own phone plan and my own car insurance, AND moved to a new apartment near work (a nice apartment with vaulted ceilings and a pool and a gym).

5. I paid for a new car with cash after an accident. Got in a subsequent-much-more-scary accident and survived. Have taken good care of my little car. And have driven somewhat more patiently and carefully.

6. I continued to rock braces, longer than expected, but with flair and style.

7. I started performing again! And in the last six months have been in four amazing productions, two of which were produced by high-end venues in Park City. I have auditioned and taken voice lessons and sung somewhere nearly every week. I've made so many new, talented friends. I've reconnected with old friends.

8. I have spent more time with my family.

9. I bought a guitar and a keyboard. And I USE them daily. (almost, daily...pretty close...)

10. I started going to the temple weekly again and I have been more diligent about reading my scriptures each morning. I pray more sincerely.

11. I've become a master of following food blogs and cooking amazing dishes for people.

12. I say no more often, and I don't feel bad about it.

13. I also say yes more often, to spontaneous, crazy adventures.

14. I have figured out what I really want. I won't settle. And I won't give up. I make choices every day, in determination, preserverance, patience, temperance,and faith, that are taking me exactly where I want to go.

15. I've thrown multiple parties without stressing. This is big for me--my sister's bridal shower, Shelter's cast retreat, things like these. I guess what I'm proud of is the fact that I feel more comfortable with not being perfect, and it's helping to have a lot more fun.

And to start off the next six months on an oh-so-stellar step, I am doing something I've never done before!
I booked the flight on my own, found the hotel on my own, planned the itinerary on my own.
On July 1, I am flying to L.A. and taking a vacation. Scoping out places to live when I move there. Meditating. Meeting new people. Reconnecting with college friends. Trying new things. Getting out of Salt Lake, where I have been working 50-120 hours a week since January 2010. It's been a long time coming.

I'm so excited!!!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

I want a large print of this in my home

Does anyone know who the artist of this beautiful picture is? I found it online, on another blog, without any additional information. If you know, please tell me!
Jesus holding girl

Saturday, June 11, 2011

park city

night out with my sister
a bit tired this morning...

Thursday, June 9, 2011

I love google

I can't help it, they are fantastic.

Listen to the Song I recorded today^^

we are...

Family is a refuge from the world;
 it is where you find
unconditional love and support.

Family is ordained of God and is designed
so that families can be sealed together forever.
Parents have a responsibility to nurture and teach their children and support one another in their roles as spouses.  
However, if this family model is not possible, we each can find the support and strength needed in other individuals—grandparents, cousins, close friends—who become a family to us.
Happiness in family life is most likely to be achieved when founded upon the teachings of Jesus Christ—it is through His gospel that we are able to see our families again after this life.

During this life, my deepest joys come from family relationships (my adorable niece is absolutely precious!).


My family is the most important thing in the world to me—

without them, my life would have little meaning and no richness.

When I was little, my dad had two sayings:
'People are more important than things,'
 and 'Family is most important.'

 Our family has weathered grievous storms, including divorce. However, my siblings and I remain best friends
and each of us is still close to our parents.

Despite our many different beliefs about religion
and the purpose of this life,
we respect and honor and trust one another.

Regardless of where I am or what kind of trouble I am in, I know that each of my family members would come to my rescue without hesitation: they have always been there for me.

They are my strength and my guide,
they lift me up when I am disheartened,
and they have taught me to love life and be happy.