Monday, May 30, 2011

SHELTER: a new musical

I was involved with an AMAZING new project by Brittany Bullen.

In her new musical, Shelter, I played a woman who deals with domestic violence.

The women in this show have changed my life;
they are some of the most compassionate, wonderful people I have had the pleasure to work with.

And the one guy in the cast was awesome, too.
We all loved Matt's solo "Keep Trying"

The proceeds from ticket sales and silent auctions were donated to homeless shelters and charites in Salt Lake....$1,000 was given to ten organizations each....a total of TEN THOUSAND DOLLARS.

Brittany Bullen--who wrote phenomenal music
 and sings like a rockstar--has changed the world.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Hello summer

First day spent by the pool...lovely.